
Cossam_slc  :  Codice per la sintesi spettrale nelle
atmosfere magnetiche

Code pour la synthèse spectrale dans les
atmosphères magnétiques


Contents of the step by step user's guide to Cossam_slc
       (Solar and stellar case, observer-centred or co-rotating grids)
Step 1 : Downloading and installing the compiler
Step 2 : Downloading the code
Step 3 : Splitting (chopping) the code
Step 4 : Compiling the code
Step 5 : Establishing the line data files
Step 6 : Calculating solar   Stokes spectra
Step 7 : Calculating stellar Stokes spectra (observer-centred grid)
Step 8 : Calculating stellar Stokes spectra (corotating grid)
Step 9 : Understanding the output


green A step by step user's guide to Cossam_slc and Lines   (version 23-06-2022)


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